Joshua Freed

Joshua Freed

Lend your support as a Washington State resident to Joshua Freed, the Republican Governor Nominee for 2020 Washington gubernatorial election. Our candidate Joshua Freed is not only a small business owner but also has experience in public office as former mayor of Bothell City and three term Bothell City Council member. Our candidate Joshua Freed vows to donate his salary as governor for the less fortunate members of society through non-profit homeless shelters and drug rehab facilities.

As a Republican nominee for the2020 Washington gubernatorial election, Joshua Freed is not only ambitious but also driven to solve problems such as homelessness and the opioid crisis that is affecting millions of local residents in Washington state.

The key issues that we focus for2020 Washington gubernatorial election include:

  • Homeless Crisis
  • Government Transparency
  • Government Accountability
  • Reducing the Tax burden
  • Income Inequality
  • Drug Problem in the State

Visit Freed for Governor to know more about Joshua Freed, the Republican Governor Nominee for Washington State now!

Joshua Freed for Governor

Support Joshua Freed for Governor in the upcoming 2020 Washington gubernatorial election by casting your votes without fail. Joshua Freed is the Republican candidate running for the upcoming election to choose the next governor of Washington state. Our candidate is a successful small business owner who has experience in running for public office as he was a former mayor of Bothell city.

Republican governor nominee Joshua Freed was born at Evergreen Hospital in Kirkland and married Lindie his college sweetheart, after graduation from Seattle Pacific University. As his father was a federal service diplomat and mother a nurse, he always wanted to serve his local community as he was instilled with charitable qualities.

Vote for the Republican Governor Nominee Joshua Freed as he is,

  • A Devout Christian
  • A Small Business Owner
  • Former Bothell Mayor
  • Humanitarian

Visit Freed for Governor to know more about Joshua Freed, the Republican Governor Nominee for Washington State now!

Republican Candidate Josh Freed Washington State

Vote for Republican Candidate Josh Freed, Washington State for the upcoming 2020 Washington state governor elections and lend your support for making the run for office a success. Josh Freed is a vocal supporter for transparent and accountable governance for Washington state, as he believes only the truth can help to improve overall governance.

Last few years have been bad for the middle class as income disparities have widened and cost of living in the state has risen exponentially hence contributing to homelessness. So for a future to look forward to, cast your votes for Josh Freed in the upcoming 2020 Washington gubernatorial election.

Support our candidate for 2020 Washington gubernatorial election because of his:

  • Dedication for Public Service
  • Lending support to small businesses
  • Growing a stronger middle class
  • Responsible and transparent governance
  • End policies that favor the few

Visit Freed for Governor to know more about Joshua Freed, the Republican Governor Nominee for Washington State now!

Location and Hours
This business is located in King County